Sermon 6/13/2021

Sunday Sermon 6/13/2021


Freedom and Bondage


Galatians 5:1 & 13


Romans 6:6


Freedom or bondage which one are you living in?


John 8:31-33, 36: ______ Freedom or __________ Freedom

Abiding in Jesus’ word

Knowing the truth

Life → Learning → Liberty


John 8:34-35, 37: Sin is __________ and Leads to Living in _________

Difference between a son and a slave


John 8:38-45: Who is Your _________?

Jesus identifies Himself with the Father

Jesus identifies the religious leaders with the devil

Difference between Abraham’s physical see and his spiritual seed

Galatians 3:7

James 2:23

Ephesians 2:1-3

Salvation is matter of life and death


John 8:46-47: God’s Word is _________

Jesus asks why they don’t believe Him

The one who hears and believes the Word of God is of God



The worst bondage is where the slave does not know he is in bondage

The religious leaders thought they were free

Only in Jesus can we be really free


Are you free or in bondage?

Freedom and Bondage   

Sermon Notes: 



Freedom and Bondage 


Freedom and Bondage 


Praise & Worship to Sing Along With