Sermon 4/24/2022

Sunday Sermon 4/24/2022

Vain Prosperity 

Wealth is a relative term


Psalm 39:6

Psalm 49:17


Wealth Can Bring Oppression and Injustice: Ecclesiastes 5:8-9


____________________ Cannot Do: Ecclesiastes 5:10-17


Verse 10: Bring Satisfaction – Philippians 4:11-13


Verse 11: Solve Every Problem – Matthew 11:28-30


Verse 12: Bring Peace of Mind – Philippians 4:6-7


Verses 13-17: Provide Security – 2 Corinthians 1:21-22


___________________ Cannot Do It: Ecclesiastes 6:1-9


Verses 1-2: Because Wealth Can Disappear


Verses 3-6: Because Wealth is Not Eternal

Matthew 6:19-20


Verses 7-9: Because Wealth Does Not Transform Character

Romans 5:2-5


The ___________: Ecclesiastes 5:18-20


Three View of Wealth


The Counsel of Scripture: Work faithful and receive life as a gift from God and live life to honor Him

Vain Prosperity


Sermon Notes: 






Praise & Worship to Sing Along With