Sunday Sermon 4/9/2023
The Unshakable Kingdom
Hebrews 12:15-29
- What is your kingdom and is it shakeable? (v. 28-29)
- What happens when Jesus is your kingdom? (v. 22-24)
When Jesus is your kingdom you have. . .
Security (v. 28)
Joy (v. 22)
A heart of worship (v. 28)
3. What can damage your kingdom? (v. 14-16, 25)
Division (v. 14)
Worldliness (v. 14)
Bitterness (v. 15)
Sexual Immorality (v. 16)
Inattention (v. 25)
- Weekly Bible Studies
- Tuesdays:
9 am Men
9am Ladies
6:30 pm Men
6:30 pm Ladies
- Wednesdays:
9:30 am Zoom with Joe Edenhofer
10:00 am Ladies with Carole
6:00 Suicide and Grief Support Group
6:00 pm Recovery Bible Study
6:30 pm couples study at (Byers) and on Zoom
Weekly Prayer Times
- Mondays 6:30 a.m. CATB
- Wednesdays 12:00 noon CATB