Sunday Sermon 3/12/2023
Jesus is Better than Religion
Hebrews 8:1-7; 13
- We have a relationship, not a system (v. 1, 6)
- We have a home, not just a church building (v. 2-5)
- We have the permanent, not the temporary (v. 7, 13)
- Weekly Bible Studies
- Tuesdays:
9 am Men
9am Ladies
6:30 pm Men
6:30 pm Ladies
- Wednesdays:
9:30 am Zoom with Joe Edenhofer
10:00 am Ladies with Carole
6:00 Suicide and Grief Support Group
6:00 pm Recovery Bible Study
6:30 pm couples study at (Byers) and on Zoom
Weekly Prayer Times
- Mondays 6:30 a.m. CATB
- Wednesdays 12:00 noon CATB